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Follow the Leader

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader

John Quincy Adams

6th U.S President

A few days ago, I got a call from someone I had tried to help a couple of years ago.  He is a great individual producer of insurance products and was trying to run the gauntlet to become an agency.

he had about 20 agents who were in the fold at that time.  My advice…transition from being a producer to being a leader.

Well, as you may have guessed…he didn’t take my advice.  I am not the “I told you so” type (it was tempting) but as the excuses mounted, I had a “Dr. Phil” moment.

“They are not following you, because you are not a leader.”


To allow that silence was tough for my personality as a “rah rah” optimist, but it was the only way.  To his credit, he admitted he could not let go of the security of producing to face the uncertainty of others’ efforts and production.

Leadership is risky…but rewarding when done right.

So I am going to begin a series on leadership.  Much like Friday, I am going to borrow the voices of some great people to explain how effective leadership is accomplished.

“The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are, to where they have not been.”

Henry A. Kissinger

Today, I just wanted to leave you with some points to think about and reflect on what kind of leader you are.  For those of you who are running teams, sales organizations or your own company, the next several days will give you an approach that I believe can help you establish yourself as the leader and take your team to the next level.

I don’t have all the answers. But spanning a 30 year career with over 25 years of it in leadership, I have the awesome privilege of looking back and seeing a group of talented, committed people, who with a phone call or email, would follow me.

Why?  Because people will…

Follow the Leader!

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Brandon L Clay

Storyteller Strategist Coach

I am a storyteller and have been using simple stories to help people see bigger possibilities for their lives. They are based on my real life experiences and I believe they will be relevant for your life, too.

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