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Communication Connects

Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.

Paul J. Meyer

Author & Speaker

We live in a world of communication. Just think, less than a couple of generations ago, we had no way of knowing what was happening across the globe. Now, we have Twitter and Instagram that lets us watch events unfold…live! On our phone! 

There is more information available to us now than at any time. We also have avenues to join into the conversations with blogs, videos uploads, forums and rating review systems. If you have an idea or opinion, there is freedom of expression and distribution that can put you in front of a large audience…fast! 

There is nothing wrong with that. As you can see, I add my ideas and opinions to the global community on a daily basis. We all want our voice to be heard. 

What do you want to communicate? 

What do you want to say to your child that just got off the school bus after they have had a frustrating or exciting day? 

To your spouse that has great news to share or is dealing with things at work or with their family? 

To the prospect that is looking for your product or service to meet a need or solve a problem? 

Are you offering up your opinions and ideas in a one-sided conversation – a monologue? Are you engaging people in an interactive dialogue that provides a chance for common ground to be formed – a relationship to be built? 

“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” Tony Robbins  

To have a real relationship with the people in your life, you must be mindful that they have ideas and opinions too. That in order to build a platform of trust, you must be willing to give your voice but also hear the voice of others. 

The most successful people in any walk of life or endeavor are those that communicate with clarity and power. People gravitate to them. There is two-way street of ideas and insight. It is not a matter of a greater personality exerting their will over the lessor. Great communicators are not egoists or arrogant. They are just confident in how they express ideas and opinions. 

If you are struggling with people in your life, the likely culprit is communication. If you are struggling with a low close rate, more effective communication is the single fastest way to raise it. If you want respect, influence and cooperation of others, work on your communication because 

Communication Connects! 

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Brandon L Clay

Storyteller Strategist Coach

I am a storyteller and have been using simple stories to help people see bigger possibilities for their lives. They are based on my real life experiences and I believe they will be relevant for your life, too.

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