Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Neale Donald Walsch
Over a recent Christmas holiday (pre-Covid!) I was at the mall. Yes, parking was at a premium and I did not get to park in my usual spot. My normal spot is a dandy. It is in an obscure area and while it is quite a walk to get to the shops, that spot is always available…and easy to find.
As you may have guessed, despite my Lewis and Clark sense of direction, when we came out of the parking deck and walked out to where my car should have been, it was not there. Natalie then said, “This is the spot, but I think we are up one level.”
What a difference a level makes!
Ever stop to think that 11 is just 1…on another level? Levels are what take us higher. They are the steps that elevate our thinking, our actions, and ultimately our results.
As this new year begins, I want to ask you, are you still looking for the same parking spots in various aspects of your life? Are you camouflaging old actions and habits under the blanket of New Year’s resolutions? I know that “new” is scary, but “new” is where the things you desire reside.
Everything you have is in your comfort zone… everything you want is outside of it. Brandon L Clay
For a season, while you are ascending to the next level, it will feel awkward and uncomfortable. Resist the urge to take the fallback position of normalcy. Going back to the familiar will feel good for the moment, but that seed of procrastination and fear will become a major harvest of regret in the future.
I want to remind you that in 2021, you are Pursuing Your Greatness. You are not pursuing your “okay”ness or “leave me alone, I want to pursue my sameness!”
There are three things I want to point out about your desires and pursuing your greatness.
- The fact that you want it means that you have everything WITHIN YOU to get it.
- To get it, you will have to GIVE EVERYTHING – you can hold back nothing.
If you do not have it or feel that you are on the way to it, that means you are holding back. What are you holding back?
Your Greatness resides at the next level and it is time you throw yourself at your purpose and commit to…
Next Level Living! Pursue Your Greatness.